15 Fruits that Start with I

Today, we will explore the world of Fruits that Start with I and discover their unique qualities. In our daily lives, we consume a variety of fruits, but have we ever wondered how many different kinds of fruits exist beyond the ones we are familiar with? We will not only learn about these fruits that start with i but also delve into their recipes and health benefits.

Fruits offer us a diverse range of flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits. By expanding our knowledge of these fruits, we can enhance our dietary choices and enjoy a wider variety of tastes. Let’s embark on this journey to uncover the fascinating world of fruits that begin with “I” and enrich our understanding of the natural bounty around us.

List of Fruits that Start with I

Let’s learn about the Fruits that Start with I:

  • Indian Fig
  • Indian Gooseberry
  • Ilama
  • Imbe
  • Inga
  • Ibo
  • Icacina
  • Illawarra Plum
  • Ita Palm
  • Icaco
  • Inca Berry
  • Iyokan
  • Icacina Oliviformis
  • Irvingia Gabonensis
  • Ice Apple

Video Credit: ELSpeak

Indian Fig

When it comes to Fruits that Start with I, the Indian Fig stands out. Also known as the prickly pear, this fruit originates from Mexico but is now found in many parts of the world.

The Indian Fig is unique with its vibrant colors, ranging from yellow to red. It has a sweet, slightly tangy taste that makes it a delight to eat.

Popular Indian Fig Recipes

Ready to get creative with Indian Fig? Here are some tasty recipes:

  • Indian Fig Jam: A sweet spread perfect for toast or pastries.
  • Indian Fig Salad: Combine with leafy greens, feta cheese, and a light vinaigrette.
  • Indian Fig Smoothie: Blend with yogurt, honey, and a banana for a refreshing drink.

Health Benefits of Indian Fig

The Indian Fig is not just delicious but also packed with health benefits. It is rich in fiber, which aids digestion. The fruit is high in vitamin C, boosting your immune system. Additionally, its antioxidants help combat free radicals, promoting overall health.

Indian Gooseberry

When talking about Fruits that Start with I, the Indian Gooseberry definitely shines. Known locally as Amla, this fruit originates from India and is celebrated for its health benefits.

Fruits that Start with I

It has a greenish color and a distinctly sour taste that packs a punch.

Popular Indian Gooseberry Recipes

Indian Gooseberry can be enjoyed in many ways. One popular recipe is Amla Murabba, a sweet preserve made with gooseberries and sugar. Another favorite is Amla Juice, which is refreshing and packed with nutrients. For a savory option, try Amla Pickle, a spicy condiment that pairs well with Indian meals.

Health Benefits of Indian Gooseberry

Indian Gooseberry is a powerhouse of health benefits. It is rich in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and fights infections. The fruit is also high in antioxidants. Indian Gooseberry is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is great for digestion due to its high fiber content. It also promotes healthy skin and hair, thanks to its nutritional profile.


When exploring Fruits that Start with I, the Ilama is a hidden gem. Native to Central America, especially Mexico and Guatemala, this fruit comes in two varieties: green and pink.

Fruits that Start with I

The green Ilama has a sweet, creamy taste, while the pink one is slightly tangy.

Popular Ilama Recipes

There are a few delightful ways to enjoy Ilama. One popular recipe is Ilama Smoothie, where the fruit is blended with milk and a bit of honey for a refreshing drink. Another favorite is Ilama Sorbet – simply puree the fruit, add some sugar, and freeze it for a delicious treat. For something savory, try Ilama Salsa by mixing diced Ilama with onions, tomatoes, and a hint of lime juice.

Health Benefits of Ilama

Ilama is not just tasty but also packed with health benefits. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. The fruit also provides dietary fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a healthy gut. It contains antioxidants, which protect cells from damage by free radicals. Its low-calorie content makes it an excellent option for those aiming to maintain a healthy weight.


When exploring Fruits that Start with I, the Imbe is a delightful find.

Fruits that Start with I

Native to Africa, this small, bright orange fruit has a sweet and tangy taste that makes it unique.

Popular Imbe Recipes

There are several ways to enjoy Imbe. A favorite recipe is Imbe Jam, where the fruit is cooked with sugar to create a delicious spread for toast. Another popular option is Imbe Smoothie – blend Imbe with yogurt and a bit of honey for a refreshing drink. For a savory treat, try Imbe Chutney by combining the fruit with onions, ginger, and spices.

Health Benefits of Imbe

Imbe is rich in vitamin C. It’s also a good source of fiber and it contains antioxidants that protect cells from damage by free radicals. With its low-calorie content, Imbe is a great choice for those looking to maintain a healthy weight.


When it comes to Fruits that Start with I, the Inga is a unique and delightful choice.

Fruits that Start with I

Native to Central and South America, this fruit, also known as the ice cream bean, is loved for its sweet, cottony pulp that tastes like vanilla.

Popular Inga Recipes

There are many ways to enjoy Inga. A popular recipe is Inga Smoothie, where the sweet pulp is blended with milk or yogurt and a bit of honey. Another favorite is Inga Fruit Salad – combine the pulp with other tropical fruits like mango and pineapple for a refreshing treat. For a unique dessert, try making Inga Popsicles by pureeing the pulp with a little water and freezing it in molds.

Health Benefits of Inga

Inga offers several health benefits. It’s also a good source of fiber. The fruit also provides vitamin C and contains antioxidants. Being low in calories, Inga is a great option for those looking to enjoy a sweet treat without compromising their diet.


When discussing Fruits that Start with I, the Ibo fruit is a lesser-known gem. Native to the Philippines, the Ibo fruit is small and red with a sweet and slightly tart flavor.

Popular Ibo Recipes

There are several delightful ways to enjoy Ibo. One popular recipe is Ibo Jam, which is perfect for spreading on toast or adding to desserts. Another favorite is Ibo Smoothie – blend the fruit with some yogurt and honey for a refreshing drink. For a savory twist, try making Ibo Salsa by mixing diced Ibo with tomatoes, onions, and a splash of lime juice.

Health Benefits of Ibo

The fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is great for boosting your immune system. It also contains a good amount of dietary fiber. Additionally, Ibo has antioxidants that help you to protect your cells from damage. Because it’s low in calories, Ibo is an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a healthy diet.


When exploring Fruits that Start with I, the Icacina is a fascinating find. Native to West Africa, this fruit is small and typically red or orange when ripe. Its taste is a mix of sweet and tart, making it quite unique.

Popular Icacina Recipes

There are several interesting ways to enjoy Icacina. One popular recipe is Icacina Jam, where the fruit is cooked with sugar to create a delightful spread. Another favorite is Icacina Smoothie – blend the fruit with some yogurt and a bit of honey for a refreshing drink. For a savory option, try Icacina Sauce, which pairs well with grilled meats and vegetables.

Health Benefits of Icacina

Icacina is rich in vitamin C and packed with antioxidants. Being low in calories, Icacina is a great option for those looking to maintain a healthy diet.

Illawarra Plum

When it comes to Fruits that Start with I, the Illawarra Plum is a standout. This unique fruit hails from Australia, particularly from the Illawarra region, which gives it its name.

Fruits that Start with I

The plum has a deep purple color and offers a tart yet sweet flavor that makes it a favorite in various dishes.

Popular Illawarra Plum Recipes

There are many delicious ways to use Illawarra Plum. One popular recipe is Illawarra Plum Sauce, perfect for drizzling over meats or adding to stir-fries. Another favorite is Illawarra Plum Jam, which is great on toast or as a pastry filling. For something different, try Illawarra Plum Sorbet, a refreshing dessert that highlights the fruit’s unique taste.

Health Benefits of Illawarra Plum

The Illawarra Plum is not just tasty but also packed with health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage and reduce inflammation. This fruit is also a good source of vitamin C, boosting your immune system and improving skin health. Additionally, the Illawarra Plum also provides dietary fiber.

Ita Palm

When exploring Fruits that Start with I, the Ita Palm is a fascinating choice.

Fruits that Start with I

Native to South America, particularly Brazil, this fruit is known for its unique, sweet-tart taste. The Ita Palm, also called the Aguaje, is both visually striking and delicious.

Popular Ita Palm Recipes

There are several delightful ways to enjoy Ita Palm. A popular recipe is Ita Palm Juice, where the fruit is blended with water and sweetened to taste, making a refreshing drink. Another favorite is Ita Palm Jam, a perfect spread for toast or pastries. For a more savory option, try Ita Palm Salad, mixing the fruit with fresh vegetables and a light dressing for a tropical twist.

Health Benefits of Ita Palm

The Ita Palm is not just tasty but also packed with health benefits. It is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for good vision and a healthy immune system. This fruit is also high in vitamin C, helping to boost immunity and improve skin health. The Ita Palm provides plenty of dietary fiber. The presence of antioxidants in Ita Palm helps to fight off free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body.


When discussing Fruits that Start with I, the Icaco is a standout. Native to the tropical regions of the Americas and Africa, the Icaco, or cocoplum, has a unique appeal.

Fruits that Start with I

This small, round fruit can range from white to dark purple, and its taste is mildly sweet with a hint of tartness.

Popular Icaco Recipes

There are several delightful ways to enjoy Icaco. One popular recipe is Icaco Jam, which combines the fruit with sugar and lemon juice to create a delicious spread. Another favorite is Icaco Pie, where the fruit is baked into a sweet, tangy filling. For a refreshing treat, try Icaco Smoothies by blending the fruit with yogurt and honey.

Health Benefits of Icaco

The Icaco offers a range of health benefits. It is rich in dietary fiber, which aids digestion and promotes a healthy gut. The fruit is also high in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and improves skin health. Additionally, Icaco contains antioxidants that help to fight free radicals and reduce inflammation. Its moderate levels of vitamin A support good vision and overall eye health. Including Icaco in your diet can be both delicious and nutritious, making it a great addition to your fruit basket.

Inca Berry

When exploring Fruits that Start with I, the Inca Berry is a delightful find.

Fruits that Start with I

Native to South America, particularly Peru and Colombia, Inca Berries, also known as golden berries, are small, round, and bright orange. Their taste is a unique blend of sweet and tart, making them a refreshing treat.

Popular Inca Berry Recipes

There are many ways to enjoy Inca Berry. A popular recipe is Inca Berry Jam, where the berries are cooked with sugar and lemon juice to create a tangy spread. Inca Berry Smoothies are another favorite, blending the berries with yogurt and honey for a nutritious drink. For a savory option, try Inca Berry Salad, which mixes the berries with greens, nuts, and a light vinaigrette.

Health Benefits of Inca Berry

The Inca Berry is packed with health benefits. They are rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and helps in collagen production for healthy skin. These berries also contain vitamin A, which is crucial for good vision and overall eye health. Additionally, Inca Berries are a great source of fiber, aiding in digestion and helping to maintain a healthy weight. The presence of antioxidants in the berries helps combat free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and inflammation.


Fruits that Start with I include the delightful Iyokan, a citrus fruit native to Japan.

Fruits that Start with I

This fruit is bright orange, similar to a mandarin, and has a sweet and slightly tangy taste. Iyokan is primarily grown in the Ehime Prefecture and is enjoyed during the winter months.

Popular Iyokan Recipes

There are many delicious ways to enjoy Iyokan. Iyokan Marmalade is a popular recipe, where the fruit is cooked with sugar to make a sweet spread perfect for toast. Another favorite is Iyokan Sorbet, which blends the fruit’s juice with sugar and freezes it into a refreshing dessert. For a savory twist, try Iyokan Salad Dressing, combining the fruit’s juice with olive oil, vinegar, and honey for a zesty topping.

Health Benefits of Iyokan

Iyokan offers several health benefits. It is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and helps with skin health. The fruit also contains fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, Iyokan is a good source of vitamin A, which is essential for eye health. The presence of antioxidants in Iyokan helps reduce inflammation and protects against chronic diseases.

Icacina Oliviformis

Fruits that Start with I feature the intriguing Icacina Oliviformis, a fruit from West Africa. This small, red or yellow fruit has a sweet and somewhat nutty taste, making it unique among tropical fruits.

Popular Icacina Oliviformis Recipes

When it comes to Icacina Oliviformis, there are a few tasty ways to enjoy it. One popular recipe is Icacina Jam, where the fruit is boiled with sugar to create a spreadable delight for bread and pastries. Another is Icacina Porridge, where the fruit is cooked and mashed into a creamy breakfast dish. Lastly, Icacina Smoothie is a refreshing drink made by blending the fruit with yogurt and honey.

Health Benefits of Icacina Oliviformis

Icacina Oliviformis is not just tasty but also packed with health benefits. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system and improve skin health. The fruit also contains fiber, aiding digestion and promoting a healthy gut. Additionally, it is a good source of antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals and reduce inflammation. Icacina Oliviformis also offers potassium, important for maintaining heart health and regulating blood pressure.

Irvingia Gabonensis

Fruits that Start with I include the fascinating Irvingia Gabonensis, commonly known as African mango. Native to West Africa, this fruit has a greenish-yellow skin with juicy, fibrous flesh that tastes both sweet and tangy.

Popular Irvingia Gabonensis Recipes

Irvingia Gabonensis can be enjoyed in various ways. One popular recipe is African Mango Smoothie, where the fruit is blended with yogurt and honey for a refreshing drink. Another favorite is Irvingia Jam, made by simmering the fruit with sugar and lemon juice. For a savory option, try Irvingia Stew, combining the fruit with vegetables and spices for a hearty meal.

Health Benefits of Irvingia Gabonensis

This fruit is not just delicious but also packed with health benefits. Irvingia Gabonensis is rich in fiber, which aids digestion and promotes a healthy gut. It also contains vitamin C, boosting the immune system and enhancing skin health. The fruit is known for its high levels of antioxidants, helping to reduce inflammation and protect the body from free radicals. Additionally, it provides essential minerals like potassium and magnesium, which are vital for heart health and maintaining proper muscle function.

Ice Apple

Fruits that Start with I bring us to the delightful Ice Apple. Originating from India, this translucent fruit is also known as “Tadgola.”

The outer skin is light brown, while the inside is clear and jelly-like, with a subtle, sweet taste that’s incredibly refreshing.

Popular Ice Apple Recipes

When it comes to Ice Apple, simplicity is key. The most popular way to enjoy it is fresh, straight from the shell. For a more adventurous twist, try Ice Apple Sherbet, where the fruit is mixed with coconut water and a splash of lime juice. Another favorite is Ice Apple Pudding, combining the fruit with milk, sugar, and a dash of cardamom for a creamy dessert.

Health Benefits of Ice Apple

Ice Apple is not just a treat for your taste buds but also packs numerous health benefits. Rich in electrolytes, it helps keep you hydrated, especially during hot weather. The fruit is a good source of vitamins A and C, boosting your immune system and improving skin health. Its high fiber content aids in digestion, while the natural sugars provide a quick energy boost. Additionally, Ice Apple has anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for reducing body heat and cooling you down.

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Exploring Fruits that Start with I has been a delightful journey through unique flavors and health benefits. From the refreshing Ice Apple to the nutritious Irvingia Gabonensis, these fruits offer something special.

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about them as much as we enjoyed sharing. For more fruity goodness and updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Stay fruity, stay healthy!

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